A recent study reported a strong association between Alzheimer’s disease and a primary or secondary diagnosis of autoimmunity.5 This is in agreement with previous studies that have reported links between Alzheimer’s disease and type 1 diabetes6, autoimmune thyroiditis7, rheumatoid arthritis8, and systemic lupus.9 The key step to reducing autoimmunity is healing leaky gut and balancing the immune system. We are proud to partner with DayTwo a microbiome analysis company that has developed an algorithm for identification of specific foods that trigger aberrant glycemic responses which may result in obesity, diabetes, and autoimmunity.10 Many autoimmune diseases may also be caused by bacterial, viral, or fungal infections that have gone unidentified by routine medical testing.11 We can identify these sources of autoimmunity using deep sequencing through partnership with the company Aperiomics (see next paragraph).
Reading this article is rather frightening to me as my wife many of these conditions. She is Bi-polar manic depressant (diagnosed in 1999) and currently takes Lithium Carbonate, Carbamazepine and Olanzapine along with Lorazepam as treatment. She is also (at this time) obese (5’5″ @ 215lb) at 66 years old and, of course wants to loose weight. Add to that, for about 6 years now her sleep has been anything but normal. She goes to bed at 10 and then is up by 10:30 back at 11 back up by 12 (all numbers are relative) then up and down all night long and a 2 hr nap fro 1pm to 3pm. We are both retired on fixed incomes and Medicare but she does have a Medicare Supplement, however, I do have other funds available if cost become significant. Can you assist with sleep and weight and/or even the Bipolar?
p.s. Her Dr,s. are Don and Lisa Regier whose daughter is Mary, a researcher at UW in Seattle. Small world!